Healthy living is important, and some states stand out when it comes to rankings like smoking and air pollution. Did your home state make the top 20 healthiest states list?
10 Ways Builders Are Designing Healthy Homes
An important part of healthy living is a healthy home. Today, builders are using innovative materials and design features to benefit the health and well-being of homeowners.
The Wellness Factor: Building A Healthy Home
Design a holistic, healthy home when you build your dream house. NewHomeSource has tips to incorporate wellness into every facet of your home.
Ensure a healthy home with Indoor Air Plus certification
When Sara Willoughby was 14 years old, she became bedridden with debilitating health problems. “I wasn’t able to do much more than roll over,” she recalls. “I needed help with basic activities like bathing and eating.” After being diagnosed with sensitivity to mold and other chemicals in their Washington-state home, the family decided to move …
Ensure a healthy home with Indoor Air Plus certificationRead More